4 June، 2023

An inspection visit to the President of the University of Mosul to follow up the progress of the examination process in the College of Administration and Economics …

On the seventh day of the end of the second course exams / first round for the academic year 2022-2023, and for the morning and evening studies of the students of the College of Administration and Economics – University of Mosul for preliminary studies, the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thaer Ahmed Saadoun Al-Samman, and the Dean’s assistants, inspected on Sunday, June 4, 2023, the examination halls and the conditions of students during the final exams in each of the Department of (Business Administration and Economics) and was briefed on the pattern Exam questions and their suitability to students’ levels and directed the need to provide the appropriate atmosphere for students in a way that contributes to the success of the examination process,,
Wishing our dear students continued success and success.

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قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏١٠‏ أشخاص‏ و‏مِنبر‏‏

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قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏١٠‏ أشخاص‏ و‏نص‏‏

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