15 August، 2023

Master’s thesis in the Department of Management Information Systems discusses “The impact of cognitive ability on the effectiveness of the management information system: A survey of a sample of administrative leaders in Nineveh universities Tuesday, August 15, 2023 …

The Department of Management Information Systems at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master’s thesis tagged “The impact of cognitive competence on the effectiveness of the management information system: a survey study of a sample of administrative leaders in the universities of Nineveh”

Part of it was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thair Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman
The current study presented by the student “Sami Abdul Majeed Mohamed” aims to know the impact of cognitive competence in its dimensions represented in (information technology, decision-making, creative thinking, knowledge management) on the effectiveness of the management information system in its dimensions represented in (system quality, information quality, quality of services, user satisfaction, use of the system, final benefits) in Nineveh public and private universities.
A set of conclusions were reached, the most important of which are: the existence of a correlation and a moral impact and at the macro and micro levels of cognitive ability on the effectiveness of the management information system,
The discussion committee was headed by Prof. Dr. Amer Abdul Razzaq Al-Nasser, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hussein, and Assistant Professor Dr. Rabee Ali Zakir from Al-Hamdaniya University under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Hoda Abdul Rahim Hussein.

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏‏٤‏ أشخاص‏، و‏‏غرفة أخبار‏، و‏مِنبر‏‏‏ و‏نص‏‏

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏شخص واحد‏، و‏مِنبر‏‏ و‏نص‏‏

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏٤‏ أشخاص‏ و‏مِنبر‏‏

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏٤‏ أشخاص‏ و‏مِنبر‏‏

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏٤‏ أشخاص‏ و‏مِنبر‏‏

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏٤‏ أشخاص‏ و‏أشخاص يدرسون‏‏

قد تكون صورة ‏‏‏‏٣‏ أشخاص‏، و‏‏لحية‏، و‏أشخاص يبتسمون‏‏‏ و‏مستشفى‏‏


