12 September، 2023

Master’s thesis in the Department of Business Administration discusses “The reality of resource harmony in the Nineveh Education Directorate: A Case Study” Monday, September 11, 2023 …

The Department of Business Administration at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master’s thesis tagged “The reality of resource harmony in the Directorate of Education of Nineveh: A Case Study”.

Part of it was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thair Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman.

The current study presented by the student “Nour Duraid Muhammad Bashir” in the Department of Business Administration aimed to diagnose the reality of resource harmony in its dimensions represented in: resource management (structuring, grouping and capacity building), and the harmony of assets (research, selection, training and publication) in the General Directorate of Education of Nineveh Governorate as a field for the application of the study.

The researcher recommended the need to address the shortage of various resources, especially financial ones necessary to acquire other resources, and to pay attention to accelerating the procedures for obtaining those resources allocated to the surveyed directorate, and working to secure self-alternatives to finance the activities and work of the surveyed directorate.

The discussion committee was headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Iman Bashir Mohamed, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Younis Muhammad Al-Sabawi, and Assistant Professor Dr. Majeed Hamid Majeed Ali from the Northern Technical University / Administrative Technical College, and under the supervision and membership of Prof. Dr. Maan Waad Allah Al-Maadidi.


