24 October، 2023

Higher Diploma in the Department of Accounting discusses “Evaluation of the procedures of the Federal Financial Audit Office in light of the Corona pandemic Tuesday 24th of October 2023 …

The Department of Accounting at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the research of the Higher Diploma in Auditing and Auditing tagged “Evaluation of the procedures of the Federal Financial Audit Bureau in light of the Corona pandemic”.

The current study submitted by the student “Walid Salem Khalil” in the Accounting Department, aims to evaluate the procedures of the Iraqi Federal Financial Supervision Bureau in light of the Corona pandemic, and to indicate the possibility of applying the instructions, guidelines and plans issued by the Financial Supervision Bureau and international organizations of the Supreme Audit Institutions to confront the pandemic and similar cases.

The study reached a number of conclusions, including: The Federal Audit Office in Iraq is one of the first supreme audit institutions in the world that worked to adapt the audit and control process in light of the Corona pandemic.

The discussion committee was headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Sinan Zuhair Muhammad Jameel and the membership of both the teacher Dr. Manal Naji Saleh and the membership and supervision of the teacher Dr. Abdul Wahid Ghazi Muhammad .


