6 March، 2024

Football pentathlon final …

Under the patronage and support of the Deanship of the College represented by the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Thaer Ahmed Saadoun Al-Samman, and within the continuous sports activities by the Student Activities Division in our college, where the College of Administration and Economics Stadium hosted on Wednesday, 6/3/2024 at eleven in the morning, the five-a-side football final match between the teams of the Accounting Department and the Department of Business Administration in the presence of a large audience of professors and students of the college, and it was an interesting and fun match and the cushion of the beautiful sports atmosphere, which ended with the victory of the student team Accounting Department on the team of students of the Department of Business Administration with a score of 8-2 thousand congratulations to the winning team and more luck to the other team.

