12 June، 2024

Master’s thesis in the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences discusses “The real value and its impact on the market returns of shares: An analytical study in the Iraq Stock Exchange” Wednesday, June 12, 2024…

The Department of Banking and Financial Sciences at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master’s thesis tagged “Real value and its impact on the market returns of shares: An analytical study in the Iraq Stock Exchange”

Part of it was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman.

The aim of the current study submitted by the student “Amal Sayer Khalaf Hussein”
In the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences to: Verify the impact of the real value calculated according to the relative and absolute valuation models on the market returns of companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, and the cash flow discount model was chosen as a representative of the absolute valuation methods.

The study concluded to the most important conclusions: that the real value leaves a statistically significant significant impact on market returns, but the impact of the real value calculated according to the profitability multiplier outweighs the impact left by the calculated real values.

The discussion committee was headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Shatha Abdul Hussein Jabr from the Administrative Technical College / Baghdad, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Fawzi Muhammad, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ashti Abdul Sattar Abdul Ghani, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Doaa Noman Muhammad.

