26 June، 2024

A workshop on how to electronic correction system for students applying for postgraduate studies in the scientific departments of our college,

The College of Administration and Economics, in cooperation with the College of Medicine of Mosul, held on Wednesday, 26/6/2024, in Discussion Room No. 2 at ten 🕙 in the morning, a workshop on how to electronic correction system for students applying for postgraduate studies in the scientific departments of our college, and the lecture was delivered by professors from the College of Medicine of Mosul, namely:
Dr. Noha Hakem Mohammed, Dr. Ansam Muhammad Hamdoun and Dr. Mustafa Muhammad Hadi, who in turn gave a detailed explanation about the mechanism of the electronic correction system for examination books for all students applying for postgraduate studies according to the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the directives of the Presidency of the University of Mosul, for the purpose of speeding up the development and presentation of exam grades for students, the workshop was attended by the assistants of the Dean for Scientific and Administrative Affairs, the heads of scientific departments, the rapporteurs of the scientific departments for postgraduate studies, and the teachers supervising the monitoring of Students in the exam halls.

