23 July، 2024

Master’s thesis in the Department of Business Administration discusses psychological empowerment and its role in enhancing acquired organizational immunity – an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of teachers at the University of Mosul Tuesday, July 23, 2024 …

The Department of Business Administration at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master’s thesis tagged “Psychological empowerment and its role in enhancing acquired organizational immunity – an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of teachers at the University of Mosul”.

Part of it was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman.

The current study presented by the student “Istabraq Saher Abdul Rahman” in the Department of Business Administration aimed to reveal the role of psychological empowerment in its dimensions represented in (the importance of work, influence, independence, and functional capabilities) in enhancing organizational immunity acquired in its dimensions represented in (organizational memory, organizational vaccine, reference comparison, and immune cells) in a number of colleges of the University of Mosul.

The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the adoption of the researched university for the dimensions of psychological empowerment and acquired organizational immunity, and diagnosed a positive relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational immunity acquired at the macro and micro levels at the researched university,

The discussion committee was headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Amer Ismail Abdullah, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Yazan Salem Mohamed Ibrahim from the University of Karbala, and Assistant Professor Dr. Adwaa Kamal Hussein, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Raghad Mohamed Yahya.

