2 September، 2024

Master’s thesis in the Department of Business Administration discusses “Diagnosing the reality of marketing challenges in marketing wheat crop and the mechanisms of addressing them: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of wheat marketers in Salah al-Din Governorate”Monday, September 2, 2024 …

The Department of Business Administration at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master’s thesis tagged “Diagnosing the reality of marketing challenges in marketing the wheat crop and the mechanisms of addressing them: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of wheat marketers in Salah al-Din Governorate”

Part of the discussion was attended by the Dean’s assistants for scientific and administrative affairs.

The current study presented by the student “Farman Rakan Khalaf” in the Department of Business Administration sought to: shed light on agricultural marketing, the concept and basics of marketing challenges and challenges facing the marketing of the wheat crop, which led to the formation of the theoretical and field framework for this study, as the study indicated that agricultural marketing focuses in its interests in activities and operations that include analyzing markets, meeting the needs and desires of customers effectively, and providing benefits to all beneficiaries.

The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: knowing the description and diagnosis of the variable of marketing challenges from the point of view of marketers and workers, and identifying the relative importance of marketing challenges facing wheat marketers from the point of view of marketers in the General Company for Grain Trading, Salah Al-Din branch.

The discussion committee was headed by Prof. Dr. Hussein Falah Ward from the University of Qadisiya, and the membership of Prof. Dr. Raad Adnan Raouf, and Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Hamed from the Iraqi University, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Laila Jarallah Khalil.


