25 September، 2024

A solidarity protest ….

In implementation of the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, the College of Administration and Economics has joined a protest and support for our proud people and people in Gaza and Lebanon, and the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman, and a number of employees and students of the College of Administration and Economics participated in the protest and support stand on Wednesday morning, 25/9/2024 … In solidarity with our brothers in wounded Palestine and brotherly Lebanon and condemning the aerial bombardment of the people in Gaza and Lebanon, in which hundreds of innocent martyrs fell due to the brutal and brutal Israeli crime against the defenseless and wounded, which was condemned in the strongest terms by all Arab and international countries of the world, as many international humanitarian organizations and international human rights organizations considered it a heinous crime against peaceful peoples in their homelands.

Mercy and immortality for the souls of the martyrs, speedy recovery for the injured wounded, and shame and shame for the brutal Israeli occupation
May God bless beloved Palestine and dear Lebanon.

