Speech by the Head of Marketing Management Department

Speech by the Head of Marketing Management Department

Praise be to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger as a mercy to the worlds. Our Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and all his companions..
To begin with:

Higher education is witnessing rapid changes in various specializations through the increasing developments of modern colleges and departments that represent the edges of science. The field of business administration is a fertile field for such changes to occur because this specialization is directly linked to the international and global environment of business organizations, as organizations are no longer linked to a country. Or within certain limits, but multinational and transnational organizations have emerged.

The process of managing these organizations requires a distinguished human resources capable of managing these organizations, and the marketing staff in these organizations represents one of the most important factors on which the universality and success of these organizations is based.

The University of Mosul was one of the first Arab universities to take this matter into account and had a clear and accurate vision of the development taking place in the field of work of international organizations and was informed and in communication with scientific development in advanced international universities. To keep pace with this development and the progress that has occurred in the work of organizations, it has become necessary Opening a new department in the College of Management and Economics that works to graduate specialized scientific cadres capable of communicating this progress and rapid developments that occur in the business environment. This department will be the Department of (Marketing Management)

Marketing is closely related to various other sciences, it is considered an art, science and management. The importance of marketing science lies in understanding and explaining different human behaviors to identify different needs and desires to satisfy them and achieve satisfaction with them.

The Marketing Management Department at the College of Management and Economics at the University of Mosul is proud of its faculty members with high academic awareness and diversity in the fields of marketing, management, and management information systems. The department seeks to achieve its goals by virtue of its location in the heart of a very famous university

Through innovative learning methods, applied learning and opportunities in the fields of marketing and management, the student can develop his skills in the classroom and acquire the means of interacting with specialists in this field. This active interaction will qualify him to recieve leadership positions and responsibilities in public and private sector institutions will allow them to acquire building skills and a communications network. Broad understanding of job requirements and ultimate success in the job.

Assistant Professor Dr

Muhammad Mahmoud Hamid Al-Mallah Hassan