14 November، 2023

Master’s thesis in the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences discusses “Financial Development and its Impact on Poverty Reduction: A Study in a Sample of Developing Countries” Tuesday, November 14, 2023 …

The Department of Banking and Financial Sciences at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master’s thesis tagged “Financial Development and its Impact on Reducing Poverty Rates: A Study in a Sample of Developing Countries”.

Part of it was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman, and the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs.

The current study presented by the student “Doaa Ziad Muhammad Yahya” in the Department of Banking and Financial Sciences aims to: Provide a clear and detailed panoramic picture of the financial and economic literature and reference studies that framed the nature of the impact that financial development can exert to reduce poverty rates.

The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which were: that the development of the banking sector has a positive impact on reducing poverty rates with a total impact of (0.525), resulting from a direct impact of the development of the banking sector on poverty rates of (0.314), and an indirect impact and through growth economic and disparity in income distribution.

The discussion committee was headed by Prof. Dr. Mufid Thanoun Younis, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Uday Salem Ali and Assistant Professor Dr. Khadija Qader Smile from Salahaddin University / Erbil, and the supervision and membership of Prof. Dr. Bashar Ahmed Al-Iraqi.


