16 November، 2023

Entrepreneurship is a path towards excellence…

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi
And the supervision of the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics
Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Al-Samman
The two departments of business administration, in cooperation with the Department of Industrial Management, held a scientific symposium entitled:
(Entrepreneurship is a path towards excellence) within the path of the Global Entrepreneurship Week …

On Thursday, November 16, 2023…
10:30 am
In the College of Administration and Economics / Discussion Hall No. 2, which was attended by a number of faculty members and graduate and primary students of both departments, the most important themes of the symposium were on: the culture of entrepreneurship _ entrepreneurial marketing _ reading in global experiences _ project management is a basis in the factors of advancement in entrepreneurship _ presentation of international experiences in entrepreneurship _ in addition to the role of women entrepreneurial …

