29 February، 2024

Continuation of the work of the scientific conference tagged “The impact of the business environment on the accounting and auditing professions”

Continuation of the work of the scientific conference tagged “The impact of the business environment on the accounting and auditing professions” held by the Department of Accounting, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul for the second day in a row on Thursday, 29/2/2024 at the discussion hall 2 near the building of the accounting department to complete the discussion of scientific research presented by researchers to the work of the conference, and the research was discussed in the presence of the Director of the Central Bank of Iraq / Mosul branch, Dr. Hussein Lazim Al-Zaidi, Mr. Scientific Assistant, the Head of the Accounting Department, and a number of faculty and college students’ And some of the specialists, where the second session was moderated by Prof. Dr. Luqman Muhammad Muhammad Ayoub and Prof. Dr. Taha Ahmed Jordani, Rapporteur of the session to discuss a scientific research presented by Prof. Dr. Muthanna Faleh Badr tagged “Factors affecting the determination of costs
Artificial intelligence – an analytical study
From the perspective of situational theory ”
And a number of other scientific research participating in the conference
From other Iraqi universities and from the rest of the other ministries.
Then followed by the closing session, which was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ziad Hashem Al-Sakka and Prof. Dr. Sinan Zuhair Muhammad Jameel, Rapporteur of the session, in which the results and recommendations were listed and the certificate was distributed of certificates of appreciation to the researchers

