17 March، 2024

Meeting of the Supreme Central Committee for Quality at the College of Administration and Economics…

Under the slogan “Together to build the world of quality and spread the culture of quality and excellence in the learning environment”
Meeting of the Supreme Central Committee for Quality at the College of Administration and Economics…

According to the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the directives of the Presidency of the University of Mosul, the Supreme Central Committee for Quality has met at the College of Administration and Economics
Headed by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thaer Ahmed Saadoun Al-Samman, Chairman of the Quality Committee, and in the presence of the members of the Committee in the scientific departments for the purpose of following up the quality work in the departments of the College and achieving the nine goals of global accreditation and discussing the possibility of reaching international levels in the quality of education and achieving the planned goals and making the university and college in the ranks of international universities and achieving international accreditation as the ultimate goal of the Deanship of the College

