
Teaching post from the Department of Accounting and administrative costs in the seminar humpback University College

Participated Mr. Muthanna Faleh Bader / teacher at the Department of cost accounting and administrative seminar scientific held at the Faculty of humpback University under the title (a proposal for curriculum development in the science [Read More]


The establishment of the Faculty of Administration and Economics lecture extention in collaboration with the health of Nineveh

The establishment of the Faculty of Administration and Economics lecture on the extention (transitional diseases, breast cancer, diabetes cats) in collaboration with the health of Nineveh, and on Monday, 21/04/2014, where he threw the lecture, [Read More]


Teaching post at the scientific conference held in the University of Ceyhan province of Arbil

Attended by Mr. Abdullah stubbornness star teaching in the management department of tourism enterprises and hotel researched marked "accounting system for the sale of Istisna'a istisna parallel as an alternative legitimate investment regimes and traditional [Read More]


Tdrisien attend the College of Administration and Economy to the Conference of University College humpback

Attended all of Dr. Faihaa Khaliq Yahya / Assistant Professor and Dr. Luqman Mohammad Ayub / Assistant Professor and Mrs. recognition Luqman Allound / instructor in the Department of Accounting Financial Accounting and auditing seminar [Read More]


Post teaching of the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University College Conference humpback

Share Dr. Maher Ali cantaloupe / Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting Financial Accounting and auditing seminar scientific held at the Faculty of humpback University under the title (a proposal for curriculum development in [Read More]

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