
Under the slogan "Nzaftna guide our civilization," the students and teaching management department marketing campaign in the cleaning section

Under the slogan "Nzaftna guide our civilization," the students and teaching department marketing department on 15/04/2014 campaign thorough cleaning of the building for the department of classrooms and corridors and chambers of the teaching staff, [Read More]


Lecture hosted by the Office of Continuing Education at the College of Management and Economics, entitled "Quality Control"

Do a. Dr. Akram Ahmed term and a. Dr. facilitator Ibrahim Ahmed and a. M. Dr. Adel Zakir grace and Mr. Omar Ali Ismail and Mr. Ahmed Talal Tdrisien in the Department of Industrial Management [Read More]


Attend the Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics celebration of the golden jubilee of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Was attended by Dr. Ahmed Ali Mowaffak Sedea Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics Golden Jubilee celebration held by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry on the occasion of the [Read More]


Lecture demonstration for students of the third grade / / first matinee Division in the Department of Financial Accounting and Auditing

The Miss Nadia Sami Khader / instructor in the Department of Accounting Financial Accounting and auditing gave a lecture demonstration for students of the third grade / Division first matinee within the activities of Educational [Read More]


Choosing Prof. Dr. Akram Ahmed long / Head of the Department of Industrial Management Chairman of the Committee to discuss Master

Choosing Prof. Dr. Akram Ahmed long / Head of the Department of Industrial Management Chairman of the Committee discuss the thesis tagged "the possibility of recommending the broad application and its impact on the supply [Read More]

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