
The establishment of a lecture at the Faculty of Administration and Economics from the consumption of electric power

The College of Management and Economics, represented the unity of Educational Guidance in collaboration with the Directorate of electricity distribution Nineveh / Distribution throwing a lecture on electrical energy consumption on Monday 03/31/2014 and lecture [Read More]


Search for accepting teaching at the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the international conference

Been accepted research titled "integration between knowledge management and quality standards to meet the requirements of the labor market accounting" by Dr. Alaa Abdul Wahid Thanon / teacher at the Third Scientific Conference held in [Read More]


For teaching from the College of Administration and Economy on a certificate of appreciation for his cycle of creative thinking

Got Mr. Laith Mohammed Said / Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Financial Accounting and auditing on a certificate of appreciation for his cycle of creative thinking set up in the center of teaching methods [Read More]


For teaching at the Faculty of Administration and Economics at participating shield by Dar revive Arab heritage for printing, publishing and distribution

Dr. Munther Khadr got Jacob to shield participate by Dar revive Arab heritage for printing, publishing and distribution, to its efforts in providing facilities for them to participate in the exhibition Mosul University Thirteenth International [Read More]


A letter of appreciation by the President of the University of Mosul to teaching at the Faculty of Administration and Economics

Dr. Munther get get Khadr Jacob teaching in the marketing department on a letter of appreciation by the President of the University of Mosul Prof. Dr. Abe happy Dewachi chairman Dar Ibn Al Atheer Printing [Read More]

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