Discussion of a master’s thesis on (Micropropagation of petunia hybrid plant)


Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs attended a master's thesis discussion in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture / College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul on (Micropropagation of petunia hybrid plant) for the student (Amina Ameen Ahmed Kassab Bashi) on Wednesday 02/12/2020 in the Al-Hadba'a hall.The discussion committee consisted of:Asst. Prof. Dr. Alaa Hashem Younis ... (Chairman).Asst. Prof. Dr. Sumood Husain Ali ... (Member).Asst. Prof. Dr. Nadhm Salim Ghanm .... (Member). 4.Prof. Dr. Bashar Zaki Ameen ... (Member and supervisor).Dr. Aysar Mohammed Salim ... (Member and supervisor).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance of the [Read More]