A master’s thesis on the effect of Nano-fertilizer and its application on the growth and yield of two potato cultivars in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture


Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) attended a master's thesis discussion in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, for the student (Amra Abdel Rahim Abbou) on Monday 14/6/2021in the Al-Hadba'a hall.The discussion committee consisted of:Prof. Dr. Abdel Moneim Saadallah Khalil ... (Chairman).Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamal Binyamin Isho ... (Member).Asst. Prof. Dr. Walid Badr El-Din Al-Laila ... (Member).Prof. Dr. Fadel Fathi Rajab ... (Member and supervisor).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance of the thesis and award the student an M.Sc. degree.*****Congratulations on Obtaining Your Master's Degree*****