Discussion of a Ph.D. Thesis on (Effect of Milking, Suckling Methods and Weaning Systems in Productive and physiological Performance in Awassi Sheep)


A Ph.D. thesis was discussed in the Department of Animal Production/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul on (Effect of Milking, Suckling Methods and Weaning Systems in Productive and physiological Performance in Awassi Sheep) for the student (Mr. Muthanna Fathi Abdullah) on Wednesday 28/7/2021 in Al-Hadba'a hall. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) attended a part of the discussion.The thesis aims to study the effect of three milking methods (hand milking, hand milking plus oxytocin injection, hand milking plus lamb suckling), the effect of three methods of suckling (24, 15, 9) hours, and two weaning [Read More]