Discussion of a Ph.D. Thesis in the Department of Animal Production


A Ph.D. thesis was discussed in the Department of Animal Production/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul, for the student (Mr. Khaled Hadi Mustafa Al-Sufi) on Thursday 12/8/2021 in Al-Hadba'a hall. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) attended a part of the discussion.The discussion committee consisted of:Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Sa'ik Chlor ... (Chairman).Dr. Fayez Sami Saad Al-Din ... (Member).Dr. Qana' Hussein Amin .... (Member).Dr. Nidal Abdel Ghani Mustafa .... (Member).Dr. Anwar Muhammad Younes .... (Member).Prof. Dr. Duraid Thanoun Younes ... (Member and supervisor).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance of the thesis [Read More]