The Department of Media and Government Communication in our college holds a scientific symposium on extremism that leads to terrorism.


Today, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi (President of the University of Mosul) and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College), the Media and Government Communication Division, in cooperation with the Nineveh Universities and Institutes Security Center and the General Directorate for Combating Intellectual Terrorism in the Mobilization Forces, established Popular / Nineveh Scientific symposium entitled (Extremism leading to terrorism). Professor Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College), Professor Dr. Ali Farouk Al-Maadidi (Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs), and several employees and students of our college attended [Read More]