Discussion of a Master’s Thesis in the field crops department


A master's thesis was discussed in the field crops department/ College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul for the student (Yaqoub Muhammad Nafdan Al-Shammari) on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The thesis title was (The Effect of Types of Fertilizer and Cuttings on the Growth and Yield of double black barley). Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) and several college teachers attended a part of the discussion. The discussion committee consisted of: 1. Dr. Salem Abdullah Younis ... (Chairman). 2. Dr.Nizar Suleiman Ali ... (Member). 3. Dr. Dhia Fathi Hammadi .... (Member). 4. Dr. Maysar Muhammad Aziz [Read More]