3 April، 2013

Prof. Dr. Ali Yasin Jubouri Dean of the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul and Heads of Departments in the invitation from the Iraqi Institute for maintenance of monuments and heritage / Arbil

According to the invitation from the Iraqi Institute for Archaeological conservation four Professor Dr. Ali Yasin Jubouri Dean college of Archaeology University of Mosul and Dr. Mohammed Abdul Ghani al-Bakri, head of the department of antiquities and Dr. Safwan Sami Saeed, head of the inscriptions and languages ​​ancient Iraqi and Dr. Hussein Yusuf, head of civilization to the Iraqi Institute for the Conservation of Antiquities and Heritage in Erbil to attend the Institute's programs have been agreed to organize two sessions over two years included the first session where the maintenance finds and how to care for aggregates antiquities: The program is for the year the first training, where they are split training session per which amounts duration 30 weeks to three sessions of training courses for each session eight weeks of lectures in laboratories Iraqi Institute two weeks and as a practical application period for each participant within the original place of work. As adopted second session of the school year the first on the maintenance of sites and buildings, dealing with the theoretical aspects and scientific maintenance of heritage buildings and monuments, and are training period of 18 weeks to be within the Institute and one week devoted to project students applied field individually by each student. The second year of studies relate to maintenance of laboratory for Antiquities and Museums, and methods of maintenance spare relics midwife to consider continuing the theoretical aspects and scientific maintenance parts and aggregates archaeological and must be selected students since the first year of the program has been designed programs to build and strengthen technical skills and identified through understand and grasp the comprehensive and wide to the academicside for maintenance and the international community

