23 February، 2020

Dean of College of Archaeology meeting with the team of (I Pro One) along with the photographers of Expertise France Organization.

  1. Yasameen Mohammed Ali Kareem/ Dean of College of Archaeology met with the team of (I Pro One) of Megeletronic Dept./ College of Engineering. The team’s members are:
  2. Mohammed Imad Salim/ Third Year
  3. Sura Basil Salim/ Second Year
  4. Hatim Waad Ayed/ Second Year
  5. Radwan Muntsir Abdulminam/ Second YearThe team won a grant from Expertise France Organization that requires the production of miniatures similar to antiquities with the technology of 3D printing from plastic. The members informed the photographers of the organization the samples which were delivered to college of Archaeology. Charlis Steven/ photographer accompanied Methaq Alkateeb from Expertise French documented the work of the team and interviewed them inside the college of archaeology .

