13 April، 2022

A scientific lecture about the German Archaeological Expedition Activities in Nineveh Province

The division of cultural affairs at the college held a workshop entitled “German Excavations in Nineveh” and it was delivered by Professor Steven Maul/ the head of the German archaeological expedition/ Hideliberg university. He expressed his happiness of doing this excavation in this great old city which was not mentioned only in Holly Quran but also mentioned in the Torah as well. The city is considered as one of the oldest cities in history and it was also the capital of the empire that governed the ancient world.
Professor Maul also gave a full description for the current excavations in the Assyrian Palace at Till Al-Tawba -beneath the Mosque of Nabi Yunus (prophet Jonah). He also mentioned that what has been discovered from the palace so far is only 5% percent and the German expedition will try to finish the excavations of the remaining part by the end of this year. Then, there will be a chance to start renovating and constructing the Mosque of Nanbi Yunus (prophet Jonah). The excavations will continue until the palace is full discovered.

