27 September، 2022

(Repeated cuneiform signs – lexical study) PhD thesis

A doctoral thesis entitled (repeated cuneiform signs – lexical study) was defended by the student Ahmed Maysir Fadel, from the Department of Iraqi Ancient LanguagesThe viva was on Tuesday 27/09/2022 , 9 a.m. at Abi Tammam Hall in the College of Education for Human SciencesThe study dealt with repeated cuneiform signs, which are one of the most important types of signs that make up the cuneiform writing system, these signs were derived and formed from the repetition of the same sign, some of which are repeated in vertical form, or horizontal, or repeated in tabular form (plaid), or repeated in an opposite way, or Those that are repeated in triangular, quadrilateral, or more forms.This study aims to inform students and readers of cuneiform texts about the types of repeated signs and their forms, describe the formations of their elements, and the methods of pronouncing their Sumerian symbolic values ​​with the corresponding linguistic vocabulary. Modern lexicography.This study was divided into six chapters, the first of which came as a key to studying the signs lexically, while the second chapter was devoted to the signs repeated vertically and repeated horizontally. As for the fifth chapter, it dealt with the numbers whose elements came in repetitive forms as well as weights and punctuation marks. As for the sixth and final chapter, it included tables of the symbolic and phonetic values ​​of each sign with the corresponding Akkadian vocabulary with their Arabic translations, a table of ambiguous repeated signs, and a table of numbers ranks Weights and punctuation marks and their forms.The viva discussion consisted of:Prof. Dr. Munther Abdul-Malik Ali, University of Baghdad / College of Arts, chairmanProf. Dr. Salem Yahya Khalaf, University of Mosul / College of Archeology, MemberProf. Dr. Zuhair Ziauddin Saeed University of Mosul / College of Archeology as a memberAsst. Prof. Dr. Amin Abdul-Nafi, Mosul University / College of Archeology, MemberAsst. Prof. Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil, University of Mosul / College of Archeology, Member
Prof. Dr. Ali Yassin Ahmed, University of Mosul / College of Archeology, Member

