29 November، 2022

Discussion of the master’s thesis entitled(the importance of water in the ancient civilization of Egypt)

The master’s thesis was entitled:(The importance of water in the ancient Egyptian civilization)was discussed by the researcher Reem Wabel Abdulaziz, Department of Civilization on Tuesday, 11/29/2022 at 9 a.mAt the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-SoufIn the presence of Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, Respected President of the University of Mosul, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Yasmine Abdel Karim Mohamed Ali, Dean of the respected college of Archeology.Water is considered one of the greatest blessings that God bestowed upon His servants, and it is the secret of life for all creatures and the element that makes life possible on the surface of the earth. We cannot imagine the existence and continuity of human life in any society and its development without the presence of water. Because the civilizational construction of man and his progress is associated with the availability of water and its investment in the various affairs of life, and water has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in a number of verses, including in the Almighty’s saying in His decisive Book: {And We made from water every living thing}.The thesis dealt with four chapters, preceded by an introduction explaining the location of Egypt, the division of the stone ages in it, and the most important ruling dynasties. The first chapter is devoted to the naming of water and its main sources, the importance of water in daily life, and the different human uses of water. As for the second chapter, it was devoted to the importance of water in religious beliefs and the most important water deities, as well as the most important holidays that are held in the waters of the Nile River. As for the second chapter, it dealt with the importance of water in agricultural affairs and the uses of water in completing various agricultural tasks. It also dealt with the importance of water in transport and trade affairs and in the disposal of Egyptian products, as well as dealing with the uses of water in various industries.
As for the fourth chapter, it was devoted to the importance of water in architecture and the arts, in addition to listing a number of artistic forms related to water, as well as conclusions and a list of sources.The discussion committee consisted of:Prof. Dr. Majid Mushir Ghaib from Wasit University / College of Education for Human Sciences as ChairmanProf. Dr. Ibrahim Hussein Hamad University of Mosul / College of Archeology as a MemberProf. Dr. Sana Hassoun Younis, University of Mosul / College of Archeology, as a memberProf. Dr. Hussein Zaher Hammoud University of Mosul / College of Archeology, member and supervisor

