11 April، 2023

A PhD thesis at the College of Archaeology discusses (Sentence construction in the Akkadian language – a grammatical study)

On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, the Department of Iraqi Ancient Languages at the College of Archaeology/ University of Mosul discussed a PhD thesis entitled “Sentence construction in the Akkadian language – a grammatical study” in the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf in the college. Part the viva was attended by Prof. Dr. Mounir Salem Taha/ Assistant of the President for Scientific Affairs, and Assistant Professor Dr. Yasmin AbdelKareem Muhammad Ali, Dean of the College of Archeology, Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber Khali, and Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Lecturer Khalis Abdul Kareem Farman, Head of the Department of Iraqi Ancient Languages, Assistant Professor Dr. Moaz Habash Khader, and a number of college staff and postgraduate students.

The thesis presented by the student Muhammad Muhareb Ali Adghim from the Department of Ancient Iraqi Languages dealt with “Sentence Construction in the Akkadian language – a Grammatical Study”

The study dealt with the issue of syntax in the Akkadian language, as it followed the descriptive approach that is based on description, statistics, induction, and invoking the grammatical methods contained in the Akkadian texts.

The study aims to supplement the Arabic library with a comprehensive study of the Akkadian sentence in most of its types, and to clarify many linguistic and grammatical phenomena in the construction of the Akkadian sentence, introduction, delay and deletion, and what this had an important role in the diversity of the grammatical structures of the Akkadian language, and to stand on the formulas of the grammatical structures of the actual nominal sentences and to clarify the main differences Among them, as well as familiarity with most types of other Akkadian sentences, conditional adverbs and related sentences.

The discussion committee was chaired by the emeritus professor, Dr. Ali Yassin Ahmed, and the membership of each of Prof. Dr. Zuhair Diaa El-Din Saeed, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ali Muhammad Tamim/ University of Tikrit, Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Haider Othman, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Mayser Fadel, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Amin Abdel Nafeh Amin.

