19 April، 2023

A master’s thesis in the College of Archaeology discussing (symbols of the most important gods in ancient Egypt – a historical semantic study)

The Department of Civilization at the College of Archaeology/ University of Mosul discussed on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 in the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf in the college. The master’s thesis title is (Symbols of the Most Important Gods in Ancient Egypt – A Historical Semantic Study). Part of the viva was attended by the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil And Assistant Professor Dr. Abdulaziz Elias Sultan, Head of the Department of Civilization, and Assistant Professor Dr. Moaz Habash Khader, Head of the Department of Ancient Iraqi Languages, and a number of faculty staff and postgraduate students.

The thesis presented by student Saad Jaber Muhammad dealt with the symbols of the most important gods in ancient Egypt – a historical semantic study

The thesis dealt with the most important symbols of the gods and the forms they took, as the ancient Egyptians paid great attention to their gods and portrayed them in the form of symbols. These symbols, according to their belief, were a reflection of the tasks or functions that each god performed in organizing the affairs of the universe and human beings on earth.

The study aims to focus on the symbols of the most important gods in the civilization of ancient Egypt, and not all of them, as the number of gods, their names and symbols were more than three thousand gods.

The discussion committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Hussein Daher Hammoud, with the membership of each of Prof. Dr. Abdel-Rahman Younis Abdel-Rahman and Assistant Professor Dr. Amer Hamza Hussein/ University of Baghdad/ College of Arts/ Department of History and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Sanaa Hassoun Younis.

