27 April، 2023

A master’s thesis in the College of Archaeology discusses (elected heritage buildings in Tel Kaif – an applied study)

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, The Department of Archaeology at the College of Archaeology at the University of Mosul discussed a master’s thesis entitled (The Elected Heritage Buildings in Tel Kaif – An Applied Study) in the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf.

The thesis submitted by the student (Simaa Muhammad Jawad Saeed) dealt with the study of heritage buildings in Tel Kaif, an applied study

The study dealt with documenting the distinct buildings of Tel Kaif district and the heritage characteristics of its material, cultural and intellectual production, highlighting it as one of the districts that includes a group of unstudied buildings and did not receive attention and documentation from archaeologists, despite the presence of heritage buildings, especially Christian religious buildings, houses, and others, as well as service buildings that It reflected an aspect and a witness to the urbanity of its people decades ago.

The study aims to try to see the legacy of this district through the field study and to identify the most prominent planning and architectural features of its private buildings, to preserve the architectural heritage, to announce its heritage and to prevent its demolition.

The discussion/ viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Khurshid Qadir/ Salahaddin University with membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Nizar Hamid al-Dabbagh/ Mosul Studies Center and Assistant Professor Dr. Farhan Mahmoud Elias, with the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Vian Mowaffaq Rashid.


