9 May، 2023

Visit of the College of Archaeology to the Nineveh Institute of Tourism and Hospitality

The countries of the world are working to develop archaeological sites to employ them in the country’s economy through tourism. Our country abounds with many archaeological and heritage sites, and some scientific and cultural interfaces seek to educate on the need to invest in this aspect to advance and develop the tourism reality. From this standpoint,On May,9/2023 the College of Archaeology, represented by its dean with a number of the college staff to visit the Institute of Tourism and Hotels to the importance of antiquities and heritage in tourism work, explaining the difference between antiquities and heritage. It also raised the importance of caring and preserving for archaeological sites because of their role in enriching the tourism movement in Iraq pointing to the importance of the ancient city and its diverse heritage features in its related functions.

Distinguished aesthetic in its architectural elements. Some models of Iraq’s antiquities were shown to the students at the level of buildings and archaeological holdings. Assistant Professor Dr. Haitham Qassem Muhammad also presented some pictures of what is in the old city of religious buildings represented by mosques and churches as well as castles such as Bashtabiya Castle. The need to pay attention to its reconstruction and benefit from it as a tourist area because of its beauty in its alleys, views and buildings. The visit concluded with a statement of the most important tourism offerings to the country:

– Spreading and highlighting the national culture and identity to the outside world.

– Direct contact between the people of the country and various other nations and knowledge of the cultures of peoples.

– Civilizational interaction and cross-pollination of ideas that lead to human knowledge.

– It allows people to be evaluated after dealing directly with their generations, and this is done through tourism.

In addition to the economic return, which will reflect positively on all segments of society and its groups, increase per capita income, develop the country’s infrastructure and develop daily services for all. It is also the modernization of society, especially the general culture, which makes it imperative for students, especially in the tourism sector, to learn many foreign languages and to know the culture of those peoples.



