16 May، 2023

A master’s thesis at the College of Archeology discussing (the settled peoples in Assyria, their role and influences in the reality of the Assyrian kingdom)

On Tuesday May 16 2023, The Department of Ancient Iraqi Languages at the College of Archeology/ University of Mosul discussed of the master’s thesis entitled (The settled peoples in Assyria, their role and effects in the reality of the Assyrian Kingdom) in Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf’s Hall in the college.  Part of it was attended by the assistant professor Dr. Yasmine Abdel Karim Muhammad Ali /Dean of the College of Archeology and a number of the college’s staff, employees, and students.

The thesis submitted by the student (Imad Khaled Shukr) dealt in detail with the overall policy of deportation among the Assyrians, reviewing its forms, causes and justifications, and the fate of those who were deported to the heart of the Assyrian Kingdom; while at the same time explaining the great tasks and contributions made by those peoples in supporting the Assyrian Kingdom and achieving its goals. Military, political and economic, as well as implementing its development projects of construction, architecture and arts through the policy of the Assyrian kings to invest the energies of the deportees, employing and harnessing their human capabilities and professional and artistic expertise in achieving their desired aspirations.

The study dealt with the deportation policy among the Assyrians and explained the achievements of the deportees in the Assyrian Kingdom in the political, economic, military and architectural aspects and fields.

The study aims to reveal the nature of the professions and positions held by the deportees, a topic that carries within it a lot about the role of the deportees in the various fields of life of the Assyrian Kingdom.

The discussion/ viva committee was chaired by Professor Dr. Ibtihal Adel Ibrahim/ University of Kirkuk/ College of Arts/ Department of History, and the membership of both Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Hamza Hussein/ and the lecturer Dr. Suad Ayed Muhammad Saeed, and under the supervision and membership of Professor Dr. Safwan Sami Saeed.


