13 June، 2023

A master’s thesis at the College of Archaeology discusses (political relations in the Neo-Babylonian era in light of cuneiform texts)

On Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf in the college, the Department of Archaeology at the College of Archaeology/ University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis entitled (Political Relations in the Neo-Babylonian Era in Light of Cuneiform Texts). The viva was attended by a number of college professors and students and those interested in this topic.

The study presented by the researcher (Zubaida Abdel Salam Hassoun) dealt with political relations because of their great importance in studying the political and cultural conditions in the modern Babylonian era. The most prominent feature of the era is that the Babylonian state effectively contributed to the overthrow of the Assyrian state and the establishment of the Babylonian dynasty under its rule. King Nabopolassar, whose influence extended until it reached the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea in the north and the coasts of the Arabian Gulf in the south. The Babylonian language and cuneiform writing were used during this period. The Babylonians followed the customs and traditions that prevailed in Babylonia, just like the Assyrian tribes when they invaded Babylonia at the beginning of the second millennium BC. .The study dealt with the history of the origin of the Chaldean peoples and the establishment of the modern Babylonian state, which inherited the Assyrian Empire from a political and cultural standpoint. The aim of the study was to know the geography of the regions (the Levant, Egypt, Anatolia, and Iran) and the political relationship of the New Babylonian state with them.

The discussion committee was chaired by Professor Dr. Ahmed Zidan Khalaf and the membership of Dr. Amna Fadel Jaafar/ General Authority for Antiquities and Heritage/ Baghdad and Assistant Professor Dr. Heba Hazem Muhammad and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Haider Othman

