19 June، 2023

A master’s thesis at the College of Archaeology discussing (the Kutian occupation in ancient Iraq and the role of King Otohekal in the liberation war)

On Monday, June 19, 2023, in the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf in the college, the Department of Archaeology at the College of Archeology at the University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis entitled (The Kutian occupation in ancient Iraq and the role of King Autohekal in the war of liberation). Part of the viva was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Yasmine Abdel Karim Muhammad Ali, Dean of the College. Archaeology at the University of Mosul and Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil, Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs at the College, and a number of college professors and students.

The study presented by the researcher (Hiam Yasser Muhammad Thamer) dealt with a time period of approximately one hundred years during which Mesopotamia witnessed the destruction of cities and the burning of temples. It was a period of economic, civilizational and cultural stagnation. The study touched on their name and origin, as well as their geographical location and the reasons that enabled them to occupy the greatest empire in history.

The goal of the message is to remove the ambiguity surrounding that era. How could tribes who did not have civilizational components or an organized military system overthrow the Akkadian state?

The discussion committee was chaired by Professor Dr. Muayyad Muhammad Suleiman and the membership of emeriutes professor Dr. Nawala Ahmed Mahmoud and Professor Dr. Muhammad Fahd Hussein / University of Wasit / College of Education for the Humanities / Department of History, under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Haider Othman.

