21 May، 2024

A scientific symposium at the College of Archeology on the occasion of International Museum Day

On the occasion of International Museum Day, the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Archeology at the University of Mosul held the scientific symposium entitled “The Concept of Museums” on Sunday, May 19, 2024, in Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Soph Hall. Part of the symposium was attended by Professor Dr. Yasmine Abdel Karim Muhammad Ali, Dean of the College of Archeology and Assistant Professor. Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil, Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, and a number of professors, employees, and graduate students.
The symposium included two papers, the first one was presented by Dr. Raya Mohsen Abdel Razzaq, entitled (The Origins of Museums, Ancient and Modern), and the second by one by Mr. Ahmed Amer Khattab, Director of the Cultural Museum in Mosul, and it was entitled (The Cultural Museum in Mosul).
The symposium aimed to present the challenges facing museums, which in turn are institutions that serve society and display the products of its civilization over time. Dr. Raya discussed the concept of museums, their origins, and their importance in the world and in Iraq in particular, while Mr. Ahmed Amer discussed the Mosul Cultural Museum, its founding, its origins, the stages it went through, and the collections that museum have, and the destruction the museum that went through at the hands of the terrorist organization ISIS, which destroyed the museum’s holdings and burned its library, which contained approximately (28,000) books, including rare books. Then Mr. Ahmed Amer touched on presenting the efforts to rebuild the museum and reassemble the pieces. The destroyed archaeological site in order to reopen it.
In conclusion, certificates of appreciation were distributed by the Dean of the College of Archeology to the two presenters and those in charge of the symposium.


