20 August، 2024

A master’s thesis discussing Bab al-Bayd locality in the city of Mosul – an applied study of selected models

Department of Archeology at the College of Archeology/University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis entitled “Bab al-Bayd Locality in the City of Mosul – An Applied Study of Selected Models” on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, part of the viva was attended by the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Munir Salem Taha, and the Dean of the College Archaeology Professor Dr. Yasmine Abdel Karim Muhammad Ali and the Assistant Dean of the College of Archeology for Scientific Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil. The thesis submitted by the student Abdul Rahman Nashwan Khalil aims to shed light on one of the shops in the city of Mosul, which is rich in cultural and architectural heritage, as the Bab al-Bayd locality is one of its most important residential stores, and in view of the importance of the location of the locality, which is located at one of the gates of the city of Mosul, making it one of the most ancient archaeological sites. Due to the lack of independent study of this locality, the impetus was to study its religious, residential and educational buildings and document them in detail.
The viva committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Farhan Mahmoud Elias, with the membership and supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Alaa Hussein Jassim from the University of Kufa/College of Archaeology, Assistant Professor Dr. Haitham Qasim Muhammad, and the membership and supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Khader Mahmoud.
The Deanship of the College and the Department Headship congratulate the researcher and supervisor on this scientific achievement


