17 April، 2013

Ammeeting of the committee of deans of archaeological disciplines/ college of archaeology / university of Mosul.

Deans committee held it’s the first antiquities colleges on the College of Archaeology at the University of Mosul and in the presence of:A. D. Tahir Yusuf Waeli Dean of the College of Archaeology / University of KufaA.. D. Amin Abdnaf Amin / Associate Dean of the College of Archaeology for Administrative Affairs / University of MosulA.. D. Zuhair Ziauddin Said / Associate Dean of the College of Archaeology Scientific Affairs / University of MosulDr. Ismail Mahmoud Ahmed / Associate Dean of the College of Archaeology / University of SamarraDr. Ibrahim Hussein Khalaf / Head of maintenance and repair / University of SamarraDr. Osama Abdul Hamid Hussain / Head of the Department of Archaeology / College of Archaeology / University of SamarraA. D. Hdeib Hayawi Ghazaleh / Head of the Department of Archaeology / College of Arts / University of BabylonDr. Munther Ali Abdul Malik / Head of the Department of Archaeology / College of Arts / University of BaghdadDr. Mohamed Kamel Rokan / Head of the Department of Archaeology / University of QadisiyahA.. D. Bakri Mohammed Abdul Ghani / Chairman of the Department of Archaeology / College of Archaeology / University of MosulA.. D. Safwan Sami Said / Head of inscriptions and ancient languages ​​Iraqi / College of Archaeology / University of MosulA.. D. Hussein Yusuf Najm / Head of civilization / relics College / University of MosulDuring the meeting, has been discussing the reality of archaeological studies in the scientific departments and the need to consolidate the vocabulary and Platform Preliminary studies according to recent studies of archeology, the Committee also considered the effects sections included in the Faculties of Arts to the Committee of Deans of archaeological disciplines

