22 April، 2014

A seminar at the Department of inscriptions and ancient Iraqi languages ​​

The treatment of jaundice (Abu sofar ) in Iraq in the light of the ancient cuneiform texts from the library of AshurbanipalSection held inscriptions and languages ​​ancient Iraqi panel discussion titled treat jaundice (Abu sofar ) in ancient Iraq in light of cuneiform texts from the library of Ashurbanipal of assistant professor Dr supporter Mohammed , eating the treat jaundice (Abu sofar ) in ancient Iraq in light of the provisions of the Library Ashurbanipal . It is by reading a set of medical texts relating to the treatment of the disease show that the Iraqi man old has distinguished between two types of the disease first : where reportedly as Akkadian amuriqann and this label is very close to the name of jaundice at the present time , or the so-called Abu sofar and offset in the Sumerian language IGJ.SIG7.SIG7Words, green eyes , and the label came as a signal to the acquisition of the eyes yellow jaundice as a result of disease , while the second type has a Word format aḫḫazu the most dangerous type of the disease. The different methods of treatment, including the use of potions and ointments and injections.

