30 March، 2023

A master’s thesis in the College of Archaeology discussing (workshops in ancient Iraq)

On Thursday, March 30, 2023, the Department of Archaeology at the College of Archaeology/ University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis entitled (workshops in ancient Iraq). The viva was held at the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf in the college. Part of the viva was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil, Asst. Dean for Scientific Affairs, and a number of the college’s staff and students of the college.

The thesis was presented by the student (Afat Hamad Wesak) from the Department of Archaeology which dealt with (workshops in ancient Iraq).

The thesis dealt with the workshops of stone and pottery industries, including workshops for the manufacture of seals, sculpture, raw materials that went into their manufacture, and the tools used. Methods of digging and confiscating ivory, as well as workshops for materials made of bone, workshops for tanning leather, stages in the tanning process, workshops for spinning and weaving, stages of this industry, tools used in the weaving process, sewing workshops, places and tools for sewing, and workshops for metal industries, including copper, which is the first metal the humans knew. The ancient man of Iraq dealt with this metal and benefited from it in the field of his daily life. The thesis dealt with how copper is mined, the types of molds used in casting this metal, the furnaces that are used in the smelting process, the fields of its use, and other metals, respectively, of bronze, gold, and silver, places of mining, methods and tools used by the jeweler.

As for the last metal that the ancient man of Iraq was able to deal with and benefit from extensively, which is iron, and the utilitarian metal is par excellence, it is more solid and used than other metals, and we showed the method of its mining and uses.

The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Yasmin AbdulKareem Muhammad Ali/ Dean of the College of Archeology, and the membership of both Assistant Professor Dr. Faihaa Mouloud Ali/ University of Baghdad/ College of Arts/ Department of Archeology, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Hassanein Haider Abdel Wahed, and the membership and supervision of Professor Dr. Zuhair Diaa Al-Din Saeed

