8 May، 2023

A master’s thesis in the College of Archaeology discussing (confiscated cuneiform texts from the reign of King Shulki in the Iraqi Museum)

On Monday, May 8 / 2023, the Department of Ancient Iraqi Languages at the College of Archeology/ University of Mosul discussed in Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Souf’s Hall in the college a master’s thesis entitled (Cuneiform texts confiscated from the era of King Shulki in the Iraqi Museum), part of the viva was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Yasmin Abdul Kareem Muhammad Ali / Dean of the College of Archeology and a number of staff and students of the college .

The thesis submitted by the student (Nour Faisal Yahya) A study of cuneiform texts preserved in the Iraqi Museum in Baghdad, which are sourced cuneiform texts that entered the Iraqi Museum between the years (2020-2021), and the study dealt with (20) previously unpublished cuneiform texts. It aims to determine the dating of these cuneiform texts to the Ur era These cuneiform texts to the third Ur era (2004-2112) BC. AD, specifically to the era of King Shulki, the second king of the era of Ur III, and the study suggested that these texts are from the city of Durham.

The discussion/ viva committee was chaired by the emeritus professor, Nawala Ahmed Mahmoud, and the membership of each of the assistant professor, Dr. Mahmoud Hamed Ahmed, and the assistant professor, Dr. Ari Khalil Kamel / Salahuddin University / College of Arts / Department of Archeology, and the supervision and membership of Professor Khaled Salem Ismail.


