15 June، 2023

A master’s thesis at the College of Archaeology discussing (the planning of the palace of King Assyria – Akhu – Addina and its architecture in Nineveh in light of the cuneiform writings and archaeological evidence)

On Thursday, June 15, 2023, in the hall of Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Suf in the college, the Department of Ancient Iraqi Languages at the College of Archaeology/ University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis entitled (Planning of the palace of King Assyria – Akhu – Edina and its architecture in Nineveh in light of the cuneiform writings and archaeological evidence), part of the viva was attended by a number of professors, college students, and those interested in this subject.

The study presented by the student (Ammar Hatem Najm) dealt with the Assyrian palace discovered at the Hill of Prophet Yunus (Repentance). The study touched on the mention of this palace by travelers and orientalists, as well as the exploration and excavation work that took place at the site from ancient times until the present time, as well as the royal cuneiform writings related to the construction of this palace. The study aims to reach the most important documented archaeological facts about this palace based on archaeological excavation reports and comparing them with what was mentioned by the Assyrian kings who succeeded in building and renovating this palace.

The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Yasmine Abdel Karim Muhammad Ali / Dean of the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Aziz Muhammad Amin Aziz / Saladin University – College of Arts – Department of Archeology and Assistant Professor Dr. Moaz Habash Khadr, with the supervision and membership of Professor Khaled Salem Ismail


