Vision – Mission – Goals Of Archaeology Department

Department of Archaeology

The Department of Archeology, in its ancient and Islamic branches, is concerned with diverse and rich studies due to the multiplicity of its topics. The department works to achieve a fixed vision to be one of the distinguished departments of the College of Archeology in education, training and scientific research, at the local and regional levels, and to adopt quality standards in academic and electronic work to develop the reality of the department and strive through them to raise the level of educational outcomes.

To contribute in the scientific, cultural and archaeological training for students and college members and to contribute to human development in all fields of Archaeology, from reading cuneiform texts, Archaeological studies, excavation and conservation of antiquities, which is reflected in raising the Archaeological awareness of the community as well as providing the student with thinking and scientific research skills through distinguished educational programs and cultural activities. Multiple field studies to raise performance levels and provide students and beneficiaries with applied field skills to contribute to qualifying professional graduates for the labor market and distinguished researchers to develop human knowledge and community participation in the field of Archaeology.

1_ Preparing competent, scientifically qualified and technically trained specialists to work in the field of Archaeology and related matters, such as conservation, excavation, and management of Archaeological museums.
2_ Developing the student’s scientific skills and their capacities by training and exercising him on the principles of scientific research based on thinking, criticism, analysis and comparison.
3_Contributing to community service and strengthening the relationship between the department and the local community by providing consultations and expertise and participating in public activities based on the university’s role in community service.
4_Preparing distinguished graduates who can continue postgraduate studies and scientific research in the fields of Archaeology.
5_Working to spread the archaeological awareness among different classes of society and make them aware of the importance of Archaeology and their conservation.
6_ Preparing staff with a distinguished scientific level who have acquired the skills and abilities to work in the field of Ancient and Islamic antiquities, specializing in research, investigation, excavation of antiquities and their preservation through scientific studies and field training as they are the mainstay of archaeological sciences.