29 May، 2024

Assistant President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs follows up on the progress of postgraduate examinations at the College of Archeology

Professor Dr. Munir Salem Taha, Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, visited the College of Archeology to supervise the progress of the final exams for postgraduate students for the second semester at the College of Archeology/ University of Mosul. He was accompanied by Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Muzaffar Omar, Director of the Department of Postgraduate Studies at the Presidency of the University of Mosul, and Assistant Professor Dr. Mazen Sami. Hassan, Director of the Quality Assurance Department at the University Presidency, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, as they supervised the progress of exams in the exam halls, reviewed the question models, and supervised the mechanism of work of the exam committees in the scientific departments of our college. They were received by Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber Khalil, Assistant Dean of the College of Archeology for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Lecturer Khalis Abdul Karim Farman, Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, and the heads of scientific departments


