Mr. Dean, College of Archaeology a. D. Ali Yasin al-Jubouridirect of Acknowledgements to the family of the deadProf. Dr. Ghassan Taha Yassin for presentation collectionof books scientific archeology .
Mr. Dean, College of Archaeology direct of Acknowledgementand appreciation to Dr.. Fahd Mohammed al-Qaisi,from the University of Wasit to donate a copy of hisbook (guide messages and theses in archeology andancient history recorded in Iraqi [Read More]
Gallery cuneiform / College of Archaeology / University of Mosul
will be Department of inscriptions and ancient Iraqi languagesin the College of Archaeology Gallery cuneiform daily11-12/3/2014 and on the Hall Center student at the University ofMosul,the exhibition will include various paintings andphotographsof the cultural heritage [Read More]
The art of photography / College of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Activities within the unit of continuing education in the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul, a course entitled(photography) for the period from February 27 to 23this month, and will be held at the Dean [Read More]
Supplementary examinations in the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Start at the College of Archaeology supplementary examinationsfor students of the initial stages. We Wish ourstudents success and dear successfully .
Directly professors and staff of the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul
After the end of spring holiday began professors and staff of theCollege of Archaeology official working for the secondsemester starting on Sunday,2014/2/9
Formation of a committee to discuss Master Thesis in the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Committee was formed to discuss the thesis of the student(Noor Abdul Muttalib Mahmoud) in the Department of inscriptionsand ancient Iraqi languages and tagged (b acts Quartet inlanguage archaeological - a comparative study) consistedof the Committee [Read More]
The establishment of a football tournament in the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Will be held unite college sports in the College of ArchaeologyLeague football tournament will begin after spring holidaytoget back on the skills of players to prepare a teamrepresenting the college
English language proficiency test / college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Today was Monday, 09/09/2013, English languageproficiency test for students applying for postgraduatestudies (Master), for the current academic year2013/2014 in the Department of inscriptionsand ancient Iraqi languages at the collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul
Upgrade from rank (Assistant) to the rank of (teacher) / college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Mr. Hassanein Haidar Abdel Wahed, has been promotedteaching in the department of inscriptions and ancientIraqi languagesin the college of Archaeology, Universityof MosulThe rank of (Assistant) to the rank of (teacher)Wish him Excellency and creativity
Upgrade From the rank of a teacher to the rank of Assistant Professor / college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
Dr. Khalid Haider Usman has been promoted teaching intheDepartment of Archaeology in the specialty of ancientlanguagesAnd Dr. Vian Rashid conciliator from theDepartment of Archaeologyin the specialty of IslamicarchitectureFrom The rank of (teacher)to the rankof (Assistant [Read More]
Computer efficiency exam for applicants to Higher studies / college of Archaeology / University of Mos
Decide to conduct the efficiency of a computer forapplicants to Higher studies / MasterIn the Department of inscriptions and ancient Iraqilanguages in the computer center in our universityand on Tuesday, 10.09.2013
Participator post in the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul in the First International Conference of Arabic calligrap
Share Assistant Professor Dr. Amer Abdullah al-Jumaili teachingin the Department of civilization in the college ofArchaeology / University of Mosul in the First InternationalConference of Arabic calligraphy in the Kingdom of Morocco,which was held on [Read More]
Congratulations from the Minister of Culture to / the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
the Minister of Culture Iraqi gives Congratulations to the collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul, and on the occasion ofgiving the second issue of the Journal of the Antiquitiesof Alrafideen to the Ministry of Culture [Read More]
For the student (Zahraa Mahmoud Mohamed Nedam) from the Department of inscriptions and ancient Iraqi languages in the Collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul, ranked first in colle
she got student (Zahraa Mahmoud Mohamed Nedam) from the Department of inscriptions and ancient Iraqi languages / Collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul, ranked first in college, grade (excellent) for the academic year 2012/2013 ... [Read More]
For the student (Alaa Thamer Khalil Ahmed) Department of Archaeology (ancient) at the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul, the second place in the college
Student got (Alaa Thamer Khalil Ahmed) Departmentof Archaeology (ancient) in the college of Archaeology / Universityof Mosul, ranked second in the overall estimate (excellent) for theacademic year 2012/2013... Congratulations ...
For the student (Sarah Marwan Abdulaziz) of the Department of Archaeology (ancient) at the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul, ranked third in college
She got the student (Sarah Marwan Abdulaziz)from the Department of inscriptions and ancientIraqi languages / college of Archaeology / Universityof Mosul, ranked third in college, grade (excellent) forthe academic year 2012/2013... Congratulations...
For the student (Safaa Mohamed Tahir) for first place on the Department of Archaeology (Islamic) in the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
She got the student (Safaa Mohamed Tahir) onthe Department of Archaeology (Islamic) in thecollege of Archaeology / University of Mosul, rankedfirst on the partition, estimate (excellent) for theacademic year 2012/2013... Congratulations...
For the student (Saad Moayed Hadi) ranked first on the Culture Department at the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
He a student (Saad Moayed Hadi) on Civilization Departmentat the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul, rankedfirst on the partition, estimate (very good) for theacademic year 2012/2013... Congratulations ...
For the student (Zahraa Mahmoud Mohamed system) ranked first section inscriptions and ancient Iraqi of languages in the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul
She got student (Zahraa Mahmoud Mohamed system) rankedfirst section inscriptions and ancient languages of Iraqi / collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul estimate (excellent) forthe academic year 2012/2013... Congratulations ...