
For the student (Alaa Thamer Khalil Ahmed) Department of Archaeology (ancient) at the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul, the second place in the college

Student got (Alaa Thamer Khalil Ahmed) Departmentof Archaeology (ancient) in the college of Archaeology / Universityof Mosul, ranked second in the overall estimate (excellent) for theacademic year 2012/2013... Congratulations ...


For the student (Sarah Marwan Abdulaziz) of the Department of Archaeology (ancient) at the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul, ranked third in college

She got the student (Sarah Marwan Abdulaziz)from the Department of inscriptions and ancientIraqi languages ​​/ college of Archaeology / Universityof Mosul, ranked third in college, grade (excellent) forthe academic year 2012/2013... Congratulations...


For the student (Safaa Mohamed Tahir) for first place on the Department of Archaeology (Islamic) in the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul

She got the student (Safaa Mohamed Tahir) onthe Department of Archaeology (Islamic) in thecollege of Archaeology / University of Mosul, rankedfirst on the partition, estimate (excellent) for theacademic year 2012/2013... Congratulations...


For the student (Saad Moayed Hadi) ranked first on the Culture Department at the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul

He a student (Saad Moayed Hadi) on Civilization Departmentat the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul, rankedfirst on the partition, estimate (very good) for theacademic year 2012/2013... Congratulations ...


For the student (Zahraa Mahmoud Mohamed system) ranked first section inscriptions and ancient​​ Iraqi of languages ​​ in the college of Archaeology / University of Mosul

She got student (Zahraa Mahmoud Mohamed system) rankedfirst section inscriptions and ancient languages ​​of Iraqi / collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul estimate (excellent) forthe academic year 2012/2013... Congratulations ...


Guide Congratulations from His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education / college of Archaeology / University of Mosul

The face of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Educationand Scientific Research, the Congratulations to the collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul and to put the secondissue of the Journal of the effects of Mesopotamia [Read More]


Site Management in the College of Archaeology / Mosul University congratulates the employees of the University of Mosul, on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan

Congratulations and blessings by the Department of the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul to employees of theUniversity of Mosul, on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.holy month of Ramadan… Each year, [Read More]


Nominate a number of professors from the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul to participate in the workshop

Has been nominated a number of professors of theCollege of Archaeology to participate in the workshopto be established in the Iraqi Institute for the maintenanceof monuments in Erbil for the period from4/7/2013 to 08/07/2013 .


Donation of books and periodicals from Boston University to College of Archaeology / University of Mosul.

College of Archaeology of Mosul University received the donation ofbooks and international periodicals which concern Manly withArchaeology and Assyriology . this is part of the Memorandumagreement between College of Archaeology /Mosul university anddepartment of Archeology [Read More]


College of Archaeology / Mosul University announces its students Dear final examination results the first round for the academic year 2012-2013

Announced that the Collegeof Archaeology / Universityof Mosul, the results of final exams the first round forthe 2012-2013 academic year for scientific Departments(Archaeology - inscriptions and ancient Iraqi languages -Civilization)We wish success for our students [Read More]


The issuance of a new book by Dr. Kalaf Zidane professor at the College of Archaeology / University of Mosul

Within the activities of civilization department professorsin the College of Archaeology / University of Mosulwas issued to Dr. Kalaf Zidane new book titled((induction Religion in Anatolia)) Zahranpublishing house in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,We wish [Read More]


The issuance of a new book by Dr. Hani Abd al-Ghani al-Hamdani, a professor at the Collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul

Within the activities of civilization department professorsinthe Collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul, a book byDr. Hani Abd al-Ghani al-Hamdani entitled((social life in the Hittite Kingdom (1680_ 1207 BC))Zahran publishing house in the Hashemite Kingdom [Read More]


The formation of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific and Technical Symposium Department of Archaeology at theCollegeof Archaeology

The formation of the Preparatory Committee, scientific and technical for the establishment of the symposium planned to establish in the Department of Archaeology on 9/4/2014 consisted of the Preparatory Committee of the following: Assistant Professor [Read More]


The release of the second issue of the Journal of the Antiquities of ALrafidain issued by the Collegeof Archaeology

Within the activities of the Collegeof Archaeology at the University of Mosul, the second edition of the Journal of the Antiquities of the Rafidain a scientific journal looking at the Antiquities of Iraq and the [Read More]


For Mr. Dean of the Collegeof Archaeology / University of Mosul, the rank of Distinguished Professor

Got Prof. Dr. Ali Yasin al-Jubouri / Dean of the College ofArchaeology / University of Mosul, the rank ofDistinguished Professor scientifically and internationallyrecognized humanitarian disciplines, and we wish himcontinued excellence and tender

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