20 September، 2021
M. A. thesis in the Department of Translation on Towards a Better Translation Proficiency through Post-editing Machine Translation
The Department of Translation at College of Arts held a viva for a Master of Arts thesis entitled “Towards A Better Translation Proficiency Through Post-Editing Machine Translation,” on September 20, 2021 in the Hall of College of Arts.The M. A. thesis submitted by the student (Taysir Ali Taha) in the Department of Translation, sheds light on correcting the output of Google Translate (henceforth GT) tool by using post-editing (henceforth PE) process on three types of literary genres, namely drama, poetry, and novel. In brief, the study takes the spent time and effort of translation process into account regarding them as standard important factors throughout making a comparison between machine translation (henceforth MT), Human Translation (henceforth HT), and Post-edited MT (henceforth MHT).The study is a serious attempt to find the fastest and more convenient way of translating texts by using MT tools giving results in a short time after making PE process. In addition, it aims at comparing the effort, in terms of efficiency and speed, of both translators making PE and correcting the errors made by MT and translators who translate from scratch.The study hypothesizes that post-editing MT will increase translation prudency through decreasing time and effort exerted by translators away from the traditional way of translating from scratch. It focuses on comparing the three ways of translation, i.e., the MT, the HT, and the MHT with reference to accuracy and speed.
The viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mazen Fawzi Ahmed from the College of Basic Education at the University of Mosul, and the membership of Prof. Luqman Abdul-Karim Nasser and Assistant Professor Dr. Youssef Hamdi Al-Bustani from Al-Noor University College, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Younis Abdel-Wahed Al-Badrani from the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Mosul.