6 October، 2021
M. A. thesis at the Department of Arabic Language about the conjugation in Surat Ibrahim and Al-Nahl through a linguistic study in the light of the science of occasion
The Department of Arabic Language at College of Arts held a viva for a Master of Arts thesis entitled “THE CONJUGATION IN SURAT IBRAHIM AND AL-NAHL A LINGUISTIC STUDY IN THE LIGHT OF THE SCIENCE OF OCCASION,” on October 06, 2021 in the Hall of College of Arts with the attendance of Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Afin, the Dean of College of Arts along with a group of faculty members.The M. A. thesis submitted by the student (Ibrahim Farhan Hamid) in the Department of Arabic Language, deals with the subject of conjugation in the Ibrahim and Al-Nahl surahs through a linguistic study in the light of the science of the occasion, trying to identify the structural contexts and linguistic links between Qur’anic words and their connotations, which is one of the high eloquence methods that show the purposes of the verses and Surahs.The study touched on clarifying the linguistic importance of the Qur’an study method in its dealing with words, meanings, structures and methods, to saturate them with analysis and study. And that is through the arrangement of Surat Ibrahim and Al-Nahl within the relationships of the actual and nominal structures and their limitations in a Qur’anic text consistent verses and regular compositions.The study aimed to search for the coherence and proportionality between the verses and the surahs within the conjunctions and their benefits in the arrangement, especially Surat Ibrahim and Al-Nahl, because these two Surahs were not studied from the aspects of the verbal associations.
The viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Talal Yahya Ibrahim, with the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Jassim Muhammad Hussein from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Assistant Professor Dr. Abdullah Khalif Khudhair, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Zahra Khalid Saadallah.