18 May، 2022

A panel discussion organized by the Department of Media and Public Relations between Media and Philosophy, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College

Under the supervision and follow-up of the Dean of the College of Arts and Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Afeen, the Department of Media and Public Relations at the College of Arts, in cooperation with the Departments of Media, Philosophy and Continuing Education Unit held a panel discussion on (The Philosophy of Media Discourse and its Implications for the Public’s Attitudes), on Wednesday 18th May 2022 at the department of Media.This panel sheds the light on the evaluating the media as a philosophy through the media discourse and its role in engineering the masses. The agenda of the discussion session, which was moderated by Prof. Dr. (Saad Abdul Aziz Muslat), head of the Media and Public Relations Division at the College of Arts, included tworesearch papers, while the first paper touched on the media aspect delivered by Prof. Dr. (Juma Jassim Khalaf) from the Department of Media, the second deals with the philosophical aspect delivered by Dr. Hussein Thanoun Al-Allaf, from the Department of Philosophy.The session, also, included extensive discussions between the attendees and researchers, which resulted in a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the interest in media as a philosophy to guide the masses according to a positive vision that serves the directions of our society in accordance with the values ​​of belonging to the homeland and the lofty principles of our glorious history.

