20 May، 2024

The Higher Studies Branch at the College of Arts Has Implemented Electronic Governance

Abir Subhi Mohammad, the director of the Higher Studies Branch at the College of Arts and Basim Azzaldin Yusuf, an employee at that branch, brought up the idea to the college administration to install an indoor LED display. Therefore, under the patronage of the college’s dean and under the supervision of the assistant dean for scientific affairs and the assistant dean for administrative affairs, a display was installed to organize the submission of applications to those who want to get diploma, master and doctoral degrees from this college for the academic year 2024-2025.
The display shows full instructions on how-to admission, and terms of central admission for admission seekers. It also displays queue numbers for applicants to facilitate admission. This step comes as a solution to ease the severity of crowding, which the branch suffered from it in the past years and to make admission easier.


